Whether you are looking for a master’s degree program, computer science classes, a K-12 curriculum, or GED study program, this list gives you a look at 50 websites that promise education for free.
From databases that organize over 1,000,000 students throughout 16 universities, to a small library of documents for those interested in history, the opportunities for free online learning continue to expand as the Internet becomes a crucial component in education.
50 Top Sources Of Free eLearning Courses - Bhushan Unplugged - Quora
From databases that organize over 1,000,000 students throughout 16 universities, to a small library of documents for those interested in history, the opportunities for free online learning continue to expand as the Internet becomes a crucial component in education.
50 Top Sources Of Free eLearning Courses - Bhushan Unplugged - Quora
1:28 AM
Just came across a good article.
I think it's far more important to write well than most people realize. Writing doesn't just communicate ideas; it generates them. If you're bad at writing and don't like to do it, you'll miss out on most of the ideas writing would have generated.Writing, Briefly
1:05 PM
Any trait, or small trick, or hack, anything, other than some trivia or fact. Something one can learn in 10 minutes or so (and perhaps with a bit of practise everyday, can excel at it), but it must be useful for the person for the remainder of his or her life
Tips and Hacks for Everyday Life: What is something useful I can learn right now in 10 minutes that would be useful for the rest of my life? - Quora
12:53 PM
Pretty interesting answers already. I would suggest something different. Considering you're bored from your usual routine, be it your job or whatever you do, I'd suggest trying your hand at this:
12:51 PM
There are several answers on quora. Starting at this link.
Answer snippet :
Step 1. Choose the concept you want to understand.Take a blank piece of paper and write that concept at the top of the page.
Step 2. Pretend you’re teaching the idea to someone else.Write out an explanation of the topic, as if you were trying to teach it to a new student. When you explain the idea this way you get a better idea of what you understand and where you might have some gaps.
Step 3. If you get stuck, go back to the book.Whenever you get stuck, go back to the source material and re-learn that part of the material until you get it enough that you can explain it on paper.
Step 4. Simplify your language.The goal is to use your words, not the words of the source material. If your explanation is wordy or confusing, that’s an indication that you might not understand the idea as well as you thought – try to simplify the language or create an analogy to better understand it
12:46 PM